þ DINK SMALLWOOD README þ 10-15-97: V1.01, shareware archive. Rating: MA13 BUY THIS GAME FOR **$15+S/H** FOR A LIMITED TIME!!! See below. þ How to run dink þ dink.exe (plays the game normally) dink.exe -window (run in windowed mode, some screen effects will be disabled) dink.exe -debug (make a debug.txt file in the dink/dink dir) dink.exe -nosound (disabled direct audio) dink.exe -game (run a dink addon, patch or world) REQUIREMENTS: CPU: 486-75+ Memory: 24 MB+ OS: Win95, (supposedly NT after DX5 support is ready too) Drivers: DirectX 5 is REQUIRED! This was not included in the .ZIP (it's pretty big) so if you need it check out www.microsoft.com. INSTRUCTIONS: Be SURE this was unzipped WITH directories! Dink supports keyboard, joystick or gamepad. (4 button+ gamepad highly recommended) These will be auto detected, and can be 'hot swapped' in mid game. You can select the intro options with mouse, but Dink CANNOT be moved with mouse. MAIN KEYS: Use weapon/item: or button 1. Look/talk: or button 2. Use magic: or button 3. Item/magic select screen: or button 4. Game options (load/quit) : or button 5. Movement: Arrow-keys/Joypad/Joystick. M: Disable/enable music Q: Emergency quit button D: Debug info toggle - shows framerate and screen #. F4: Fades the screen down a bit. (forgot to take it out when I was doing some tests, oh well, more fun for you) To 'push' on something, walk towards it - in about a half second Dink will begin pushing on the object. ITEM/WEAPON/MAGIC SELECT SCREEN KEYS: Equip item: or button 1. Exit: or button 4. TALKING MODE KEYS: Movement: Arrow-keys/Joypad/Joystick. Choose selection: or button 1. NOTES ABOUT THE GAME: You'll know when you've pretty much done everything you can when you come across a boat that rows away without you. You cannot equip any magic at the beginning of the game. It must be 'learned'. You can skip text by hitting space or button 2. It is possible to raise your level. You can ONLY save your game at a 'save marker'. They are hard to miss, it is a pulsing dome shaped machine with the words SAVE glowing. Look/talk to it to activate it. In this demo, you are limited to 'fists' for your hand weapon and any magic you find. The complete version features hand weapons such as swords and bow and arrow. You may notice an annoying 'please wait' message appearing a lot as you play - this is the game loading graphics as it needs them. These messages will stop appearing on a regular basis after a few screens as the game caches as much as it can, depending on ram. (update on please wait: The please wait message was too annoying, Sean made me take it out for most situations) When playing in fullscreen mode and you Alt-Tab to windows, it may take some time when you return. It is reloading the base required graphics information again. (it gives it ALL back when alt-tabbed from full screen) Also, I saw a pillbug die and leave a dragon carcus... Instead of buying healing/potions in this demo, the only way to heal is find stuff such as food, or find the 'magic fountain' that heals you completely. I didn't have much time to tweak the midi and where and how songs are played - will get to this later. Also, adjusting volume levels are forthcoming, for now you're stuck with the Windows sound properties. Also, it is noted that you shouldn't hear a door 'creaking' sound when you climb stairs or climb into holes... will change later! þ More info that you don't absolutely need to read before playing þ POTENTIONAL DEVELOPERS: Check out DEVELOP.TXT for info on what is possible. Thanks for downloading and installing this game! This game is a work in progress - many sounds, graphics and even story may be changed before the final release. This is here for you see if it is the kind of game you want, and to give you the chance of preordering it. (or just to play and have some fun) The shareware is only one small area of the game! Our goal: Create a KILLER commercial quality game and sell it for a fourth of what it's worth. Sell more copies, maybe not make quite as much cash, but make a lot more friends. Please send any comments or suggestions - we're still changing and adding additional features. Your input is valuable!! - Seth (sethable@rtsoft.com) - RTsoft, Inc's web page: www.rtsoft.com þ The schedule þ These dates are estimates and may change slightly. Anyone who preorders will be able to get a full refund at anytime before the CD's are shipped. 10-01-97: Release shareware, begin accepting preorders at $15 + 4.95 s/h! (us funds!) 11-01-97: Begin charging full price. Print CD's, # based on preorders. 11-15-97: Begin shipping! All orders will be shipped Express Mail, (2-3 days) on a professionally printed CD with jewelcase and full color booklet. The full price has not been set at this time. If it is past 10-31-97 please hit our website for up to date pricing information. (www.rtsoft.com) Orders will be shipped in the order that they were received. It is not likely that you will be able to load saved games from this, the shareware version in the final. Too much will have changed as data formats are improved and story is changed. Things the CD will have that this demo doesn't: þ The complete world (the demo in just one tiny area) þ Tons more magic, weapons and items. þ In game overhead map þ New monsters þ New NPC's þ New tilesets (including snow and temple) þ Original CD music score þ Beautiful cutscenes þ Free upgrades from our website þ Custom button configurations þ POSSIBLY a multiplayer mode for use with special maps þ The ability to run tons of new addons and quests created by others þ Complete developers kit with EVERYTHING you need to make a new world including: þ Dinkedit.exe þ Compile.exe þ Assorted help and examples þ Royalty free distribution of your work, even if you charge þ Misc. goodies, an AVI of us, who could not want that!?!? ;> To place your order by phone: Call us toll free at 1-888-218-3881 during normal business hours. (9-5 PST) (visa/MasterCard) The above # is for ORDERS only - for technical support please call 503-391-4274 and someone from our helpful staff will be more than happy to help you. We've been giving top notch voice technical support for the last 6 years, no reason to stop now. Or hit our secure website at www.rtsoft.com to place an ONLINE order. (visa/MasterCard) Or check out the included ORDER.TXT for information on sending a check or money order.